Meet our director,
Pastor Ginger!

Pastor Ginger Stevens is a seasoned minister in the Lord, having been a student of the Bible all of her adult life, accepting Christ as her Savior at the age of 24.  In additional to ministerial studies, credentialing, and ordination with the Assemblies of God, she has invested a great deal of time in various Bible courses and training opportunities offered over the past 30 years, obtaining specialized training in Biblical Counseling, public speaking, healing ministries, ministering spiritual gifts, In Christ’s Image Training, Hospice Volunteer Training, Marriage Enrichment Training, Leadership & Coaching Sessions, and Catch the Fire’s Soaking School.

As the Pastor & Director of Joppa House Minsitries and Third Day Fellowship & Outreach, it is Pastor Ginger’s desire to be the hands, feet, eyes, and heart of Jesus Christ here on earth.  To teach through servant-leadership the infinite, unconditional love God has for all mankind.  To serve and minister to those who are ready, broken, downtrodden, oppressed or lost, bringing them to a saving knowledge of Christ, with such a dramatic transformation in their lives by the love of God exhibited through His servants here on earth that although someone may have to return to their environment, they will not return to their lifestyle.

Pastor Ginger believes that every person has a place to serve in the body of Christ whether in large capacities or small and desires to bring her staff and volunteers into a fresh focus on outreach, evangelism, and community involvement by helping them discover God’s calling in their life; tapping into that person’s spiritual gifts and natural talents to train, equip, empowering them to minister in the area that God has assigned to them, essentially giving them a place to belong and a place to work to further the Kingdom of God.  She sincerely believes that sanctification is a process and a journey ordained by God in a person’s life.  She believes that her assignment as a minister and an ambassador of Christ is to look for the gifts God has placed within people and encourage them to develop in their gifts and callings, disciple in serving in their church, their home and in their communities; while releasing them to try new things that may stretch them, causing them to grow in their spiritual life.  New believers will be discipled and taught the Word of God to train and strengthen them in their walk with the Lord while mentoring them to begin serving out of the gifts and talents realized in Christ Jesus.  Pastor Ginger believes that if we put people in the path of God, He will do the rest!

Her heart’s desire is to teach people to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind that they may see Him.  She says “I asked the Lord, ‘May I teach them to see?’ And He said, ‘Teach them to love Me, then they will see.'”  She has made this her life’s mission.


Pastor Ginger Fun Facts:

  • Her favorite teachers are Francis Chan & Kirs Vallotton
  • Her favorite book of the Bible is: Song of Solomon
  • Her favorite Scripture verse is: “I am my beloveds and He is mine…”    –Song of Solomon 2:16
  • Her favorite past times are: worship, praying, reading, snowshoeing, jogging, bicycling, motorcycling, and kayaking
  • Her favorite musicians are: Kari Jobe, Alberto & Kimberly Rivera, Elevation Worship, Music from Christ for the Nations, and Jesus Culture
  • Her favorite books are: Holiness, Truth, and the Power of God by Francis Frangipane; Crazy Love by Francis Chan; Forgotten God by Francis Chan
  • She considers her lifelong mentor to be: Francis Frangipane, whom she met in 2013
  • Her favorite “dead guys” are: Andrew Murray, who wrote the book Absolute Surrender, and Brother Lawrence, who wrote the book The Practice of the Presence of God

Hear more about Joppa House and it’s impact on the community from Pastor Ginger herself.  
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but more than anything, you’ll be inspired.

Meet our
Board of Directors!

Joppa House is a 501 (c) 3 organization that is governed by a Board of Directors.  
Our current Board of Directors consists of:

Pastor Ginger Stevens — President, CEO, and Director of Joppa House Ministries; Live-in 801 Supervisor

Mr. John Young

Mrs. Rose Mills

Ms. Marge Smith

Ms. Georgeann Lindberg

Mrs. Patti Howes — Secretary

Miss LaRae Stevens — Marketing Director, Fundraising, and Nutrition & Wellness Consultant; Live-in 803 Supervisor

Our Financial Advisor is Sam Supernaw of Sam Supernaw Jr. & Co., P.C.
Our Legal Advisor is Daniel B. Barron, Esq. of Barron & Engstrom, PLC.